HomeGoogle Analytics 101
Google Analytics 101
Google Analytics 101

Google Analytics 101

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There is one extremely important thing that can really make or break the success of any website, but a lot of webmasters are underutilizing it – or worse, aren’t using it at all. That is analytics. Specifically, Google Analytics.

What makes Google Analytics so great?

Well, not only is it a great way to monitor how much traffic your site is getting and where it’s coming from, but if you use it properly you can glean a wealth of other information including your bounce rate, most popular pages or articles, and even your conversion rates!

The trouble is, it can be confusing. There are tons of features that seem hopelessly hidden amongst a wide variety of options, and the majority of people don’t even know they’re there, much less how to use them.

In this guide, you’re going to learn about some of the most important features of Google Analytics, and how you can use those features to improve your traffic, conversions and more!


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